San Diego Startups List

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Meet 9 Start-up CEO View everyone

ID 744384

Al Kendrick

>20 yrs in ops, investment mngmt, & cap markets. Strong turnaround experience in multi-million $ businesses. Techy. Interested in c-level role. Wharton MBA.

ID 390165

Bryan Ferguson

Co-founder of Athlete IQ

ID 561627

Marian Dusan


Founder @luly-inc, @luly-inc • Studied at @columbia-university

ID 540840

Zoran Vladisavljevic

Zoran Founded TixAlert Inc., Founded CreatorBig, Works at One World, and Advises at Alliance West Realty

ID 745203

Alfonso Delao Jr

Founder & CEO, Health Services Management. "I am on a mission of bringing value to our healthcare community because I believe in the nobility of medicine."

ID 650667

Ian Sells

Founder StrongVolt Inc • Studied at @san-diego-state-university Strong Business Background, Started multiple successful companies

ID 61697

Mario Proietti

CEO at LocationSmart - the leading cloud-based location platform for enterprises.

ID 732474

Dr. Lance Patak

ID 687797

Grant Noe

Founder & CEO Boltlook • Studied at Biola University Studying with a major in business management.

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