San Diego Startups List

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Meet 8 Software Architect View everyone

ID 419181

Arunav Sarkar

Electrical Engineer with strong digital hardware design background combined with software system design experience.

ID 660918

Mark Lewis

25+ years of software development experience from programmer to CTO. Instrumental in 3 recent successful startups.

ID 22133

Russ Bradberry

Co-founder & Principal Architect @simplereach. DataStax MVP for Apache Cassandra. Co-Author, Practical Cassandra. Distributed technology enthusiast.

ID 777635

Andrew Kovalenko

Alpha-Geek, engineer and cheerful guy

ID 422736

Sunil Davé

Full Stack Engineer, Javascript Guru, and Rubyist!

ID 254890

Mike Young

CTO and Co-founder of Yapert. Previously CTO at Redfin, Chief Architect at Plumtree Software. UC Berkeley EECS '92.

ID 16894

Christopher Rae


Senior Director of Global Operations @verimatrix-inc Enthusiast for tech startups, food, wine, rum, chess, hockey and frequent last-minute international travel.

ID 284573

Joshua Parolin

Co-founder of @lennd • Web Dev Lead at @hampton-creek-foods • Worked at @zendesk, @obama-for-america and Invisible Children • Studied at @university-of-missouri, @san-diego-state-university

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